Just an ordinary, everyday Southern Princess, trying to make it in the real world. I love my Diva Daughter, my Handsome Husband, shoes, bags, Mickey Mouse, football & vodka. Check me out. I love comments. :)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Glutton for punishment or just reality??
The Diva and I have had a pretty good break and Christmas was great. I have spent that last 2 days telling her to turn her music down. I have to wonder about my sanity in the choice of having Santa bring her a huge stereo. My only thought was that maybe I would not have to listen to High School Musical any more in the car. Maybe I did not think that one all the way through you know. Beyond that life is pretty sweet right now.
I am now in the middle of plans for her birthday party. She is having a High School Musical Makeover Dance Party. Yes I am a glutton for punishment. 14 little girls for 4 hours, they are going to have their hair and nails done all while singing along with High School Musical. My dog is going to have heart failure when all these people show up. He is not exactly what you call a people dog. There went my sanity.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Rude People
So I know this is the Season to be kind and considerate and I know that you should really be kind and considerate all year, BUT when is it my turn to be rude??? Dang it I want a turn too. Everybody else gets one, I WANT MINE!
So in this season to be sweet lets say a prayer for the rude person and the person that did not kill them for being rude!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Meet Presley
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Here is how you combat that Thanksgiving weight
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Waiters... yeah they suck
Well I love PF Changs, love it. We just got a new about a year ago, so its still relatively new. Anyway, whenever any of us from the office go, the service is great. I mean they wait on you an everything. However whenever Jan and I go, its like they forget we exist. Really I mean we are like the black hole of the restaurant. NO ONE pays us any attention. I ordered my usual, water with a lemon (only there cause they don't have limes) spring rolls for appetizer, egg drop soup and beef with broccoli. She gets all the same only cashew chicken. We literally sit there and finish our water before the food comes out. Never mind that it is the soup and not the spring rolls. Some other random person in black brings those. Then we get the entree, Jan asks for salt and you would have thought she asked for a gun. He looked at her like she was out of her mind. He brought the salt and we never seen him again. We finally got another random person in black to fill up our water glass and then we begged them for the check. At this point I am pissed. He is over getting our bill together and I timed it, it took 11 minutes to bring our change! 11 freaking minutes. REALLY. Yeah he got no tip and if there was a way I could have taken money away I would have. Jan swears she is never going back. I am torn. I only get bad service when I am with her and I love the spring rolls. Needless to say we are going back to our regularly scheduled lunch at Cantina Laredo where you can get service.
Other than that it was a decent day. The diva is planning all her stops for Halloween candy and is excited about it. OH and one for the record books... we are going to MULE day on Saturday. Yes you read that correctly, I said MULE day. I will certainly bring back pictures of Mule Day in South Georgia. LOL
Have a great night!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I do not understand...
But one of the biggest things that I do not understand is why some people insist on finishing a book that they obviously do not like. Last night I was on Amazon and I was reading the reviews on various book that I have read or plan to read and I was singularly surprised at the number of 1 star rated reviews. Ok I am the 1st to say that we do not all like the same things. I love historical romance novels, LOVE THEM. I love to read them, but a deal breaker for me is usually anything set in the middle ages. All I can think about is the lack of people bathing and the lack of toothbrushes. So I know that I will not be able to concentrate on the story when all I can think about is when was the last time the hero had a bath, brushed his teeth and is he scratching the lice that I am sure he has. Another deal breaker for me is men in kilts. NOPE as far as I am concerned that's a cross dresser. I know, I know, I know, I am being narrow minded but hey that's just me.
Seeing as how I know these are deal breakers for me I will not even pick up a book about any of it. Ever. My time to read is to valuable to waste it on something that I do not like. That brings me back to the topic at hand. Why continue reading a book that by say the 3rd chapter you KNOW you do not like it? It make absolutely no sense to me. Personally I do not understand. Why torture yourself with something you positively detest?
So that is what I do not understand. If you can explain it to me please feel free!
Have a great day! Muah!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Like, totally the Tooth fairy is a no go.
BTW, did anyone see Project Runway last night? I am still on the bandwagan that if they pick Kenley to win, I am breaking up for good with PR.
I have more to say but I have to go straighten my hair and the Diva's hair. Have a great day yall!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Halloween is coming up
I will let yall know how that goes.
As for everything else, I am of course in a bad mood cause the Cowboys last yesterday, grr!
But on an up note Kevin's b-day is coming up and I am planning him a nice get together with some friends. I am thinking you know only the people we really like and the Diva should have a spend the night party with the grandparents ya know. More to come soon about that.
Have a great night all!
Oh and last thing:
Run out and buy my friend Farrah Rochon's book The Holiday Inn, here; it comes out tomorrow!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Project Runway...
Anyway in saying this, I have to make an additional comment. I can not stand Kenley. She is one of the 4 remaining designers. She makes me gag!!! Everything she puts out is 100 different kinds of ugly and she is rude, obnoxious, hateful, insufferable and well completely intolerable all the way around. Not only is she rude (insert any other word of your choosing from last sentence) to the other designers she is RUDE to everyone, everywhere. I do not feel that she is fashion forward with her 1940’s soldiers coming home from war hair. And the outfits she wears, well I do not have enough blog space to tell you exactly how they make me feel. But so you will know the adjectives that I think best describe her style are as follows: repugnant, vile, hideous, revolting, ugly, gruesome, dreadful…and the list goes on; but I will stop there. So in saying this, if they let her win Project Runway and give $100,000 to start her own line, I VOW TO NEVER WATCH PROJECT RUNWAY AGAIN! Ever!!!!! I mean she is a vile, revolting beast and I refuse to take part in anything that would reward that.
By the way I am not alone in thinking this check out this link... they feel the same way!
Ok now that I feel better have a nice day everyone. MUAH!!!!
p.s. I have been trying to post this for days but its been one thing or another.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Kevin... he is for sale
Ok on to other things going...
I am watching Miami Hurricanes beat the snot out of Texas A&M. Pretty decent to me. I am a Miami fan you know.
I am excited that it is the weekend, the Diva and I slept in this morning. It was fabulous.
Ok on to another day.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
People are idiots!
For example, if you ride your break for 7 miles down a major highway you are not allowed to be pissed when you stop for real and you nearly get rear ended. How in the hell is someone supposed to know this time you are really stopping.
Yet another example, if you have your left turn signal on for about 10 miles then how are people supposed to know you are turning when you really decide to turn?
ok on to other people... lets just say you are at lunch with your co-worker, you are both female. The 1st girl places her order and she stands there. You continue to look at the counter girl. Finally she says are you going to order. Of course you then give her that look (yeah that look-- you are so stupid) I plan too as soon as you take her money so we can pay separately. Then she wonders why you think she is a moron. Now to me and you it is obvious, but she was not that smart.
so that brings us to here. I am off to watch Project Runway and see how many different kinds of ugly they can pack in to one show. I am thinking at least 5, because there are six designers left and chances are I am bound to like something.
Hugs, loves and kisses to you.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday...again, didn't we just do this?
Ok on to different things... I had a PTO meeting tonight. Yeah that was fun. But you know it was volunteer torture so I really can not complain about it, much.
And to anyone out there reading this crazy blog, I am looking for a book set in 1900 Galveston during the bad hurricane and the hero's name is John and the chickie's name is Mara. She makes gowns... yeah that's all I can remember. Grr, it's making me crazy. But I continue to search.
That's pretty much it for tonight. I need to go and drool over Tony Romo. Have fun kids and be safe MUAH!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Let them eat cake!
BUT I did not get a cake... Just for future refererence I NEED A CAKE on my b-day. A cake I tell you people I need a cake!!!
Ok on to other things, Kevin and I are headed out to the Wine festival today so that should be fun.
The Diva is having a spend the night party with the grandparents, so we are going by ourselves. It's been a while since we did anything just the 2 of us. So I am sorta looking forward to having some alone time with him. And hey free wine is always good!
Have a great weekend... love, hugs and kisses--Muah
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday... why do we need them?
Monday in the fall at least has football. Oh and speaking of football... yeah my Colts lost yesterday but the Cowboys and the Saints won so it was not too bad of a day. Tom Brady is out for the season... oh so sad I am not a Brady fan if you can tell.
Ok well it is September and I live in Florida... which means Hurricane Season. SO currently I am living with the weather channel to see what Evil Ike is up to. Its more of a lifestyle choice you know. You either watch the weather or you don't.
On to other things the diva had open house tonight. The 1st grade seems to be treating her well. She has not refused to go yet and that's a plus.
As for other things I am one day away from my 31st b-day. Yuck might I just add. I have decided we are going to celebrate quietly. Meaning I expect presents but everyone should refrain from mentioning that ugly number.
Loves and kisses to all!! Muah!! Nite-Nite!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
what you get for the money??
Now on to things that you are not sure "what you get for the money". I am talking family here. Sure you love them and you do not need money from them but family is a lot of work and is generally worth it. Well this brings me to last Saturday night. Some family is here celebrating Labor Day holidays with us and the Diva heads to get a bath... well the 2 year old desperately wants to be anywhere my Diva is and follows her to the tub. The Diva relents and lets her get in the tub with her. They play for about 25-30 minutes. I am finishing washing the 2 years hair and she gets a weird look on her face. The diva is stepping out of the tub...well then all the sudden the 2 year old takes a DUMP in the tub. OMG my Diva is beyond ill at this. Mind you she was already out of the tub and believe me none got on her. It was just the point. Ya know. Oh and its been nearly a week and she will still not take a bath in there. She will only use my tub.
The Diva turns and looks at me and says, having cousins is sooooo not worth being pooped on.
Gotta love a 6 year olds mind!
MUAH!!! have a great night yall!! MUAH
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I'm BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Football is now starting THANK YOU GOD!!! I love love love football season!!!
My Diva has started the 1st grade and well that has been interesting in our life. We now have homework and other school things to take care of. I guess the part of that I can barely believe is that the 2nd week of school they are already turning her into a little salesman. You know it would be easier in my life to just write the school a check for $100.00 bucks and call that my Diva's contribution. Then I would not have to beg all our family to buy that crap or have to deliver it all.
Kevin asked the Diva if she wanted to play soccer she informed that soccer was a lot of running and very little action and she was not in a hurry to have someone kick things at her. So I suppose soccer is out.
As for the other things going on around this place:
- it is fall, maybe there will be something on tv (I somehow doubt it)
- at least football will be on
- election is coming up, I know that will be interesting
- work is slowing down
- my birthday is coming up I will be 29 :)
oh and one last funny note before I sign off for the day, The diva is going to be the ringbearer in my best friends Jan's wedding. Well she has known this for a while and she told me the other day that she had thought about it and well she really did not want to do it. I told her Ms. Jan would understand but why do you not want to do it? She said that wearing a bear suit would be to hot in the summer time and the fur would make her itch. YES the FUR WOULD MAKE HER ITCH, because being a ring bearer meant you would be dressed as a bear.
So if you are 6 and have been asked to be a ringbearer and you have no idea what a ringbearer does you will think you need a bear suit.
Everyone have a fabulous night as I am off to watch my love Micheal Kors on Project Runway and try to not gauge my eyes out and tear my ears off when Suede makes comments about his inspiration coming from his dead grandfathers, cousins, neighbors, aunts, brothers cat.
Kisses to all!!! MUAH
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday in the South
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
How was your Easter?
So I hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday and from my family to yours Happy Easter a day or so late.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Here Comes Peter CottonTail
But anyway I digress, Sunday we had the Diva’s yearly Easter portrait with the live bunnies. None were strangled this year I might add. On the way back the diva asked “mom what does the Easter Bunny have to do with God?
Ok let me start at the beginning, Saturday opening day for Little League, Kelli - Team Mom. Picture it Kelli screaming at a bunch of little brats cause they wont put on their helmets, they have somehow lost their glove and hat on the way off the field and THEY All want to be the pitcher! JUST SHOOT ME NOW! So Saturday night the Diva decides she needs a spend the night party at MeMe and Popsie’s – Load her up and take her – pretty much my words.
So now we are to Saturday night (I hope your imagination works well, cause I am telling you Saturday was just blissful just blissful—hell I can not even type that with a straight face- I was damn happy it was over!) We went over to some friends and I decided it would be a great time to celebrate… well celebrate anything. I mean I would have toasted to trees and bushes and leaves and your birthday in November or just the fact that the day ended in Y. So seeing as how grey goose and pineapple juice like each other so well, I decided to get intimate with them myself. Which ends in Kelli drinking way more than she should have not only in one night but probably in a at least a week. Now I am going to have to blame some of it on making drinks in the dark. How was I supposed to know that I was using entirely to much vodka… I mean it is clear FCOL!
So now it’s Sunday morning and I have to drag my-HUNGover-self to have the Diva’s pictures made and she now she wants to know what does God have to do the Easter Bunny. My reply I think was absolutely perfect.
“Go ask you Daddy!”
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Telephone Etiquette

Diva: Hello
Me: Well hey baby, what’s Momma’s girl doing?
Diva:I am not taking off my shoes, that’s what.
Me: Ok... well that’s good, where is Daddy?
Diva: Umm he is around
Me: Ok can I talk to him?
Diva: Umm yeah, stay right here (ok where am I going to go?)
Me: Ok lovie. Now I hear her run through the house, she comes back and picks up the phone
Diva: It will be a few minutes… lets have some on hold music--- The itsy bisty spider climbed up the waterspout, down cam the rain… (she sings me the entire song)
Finally Kevin gets the phone before she can launch good into I’m a little teapot… which I must add is really cute when she sings it… but I digress.
Back to my Diva’s phone etiquette or lack there of, she is only 6 so I thought it was not too terribly bad. So we will have to work on this along with about a million other things.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Happy Anniversary to me!!

You know it is funny; I can remember being so nervous before we got married and worrying about everything going perfect. The day of our wedding it rained a monsoon…my sister dropped her maid of honor dress in the red clay… I lost his ring… and there was a tornado while we were on the interstate headed to Disney for our honeymoon. But you know now I look back at all those things and they make me smile. Those things make my wedding special. Now I think of my bridesmaids in there beautiful sky blue colored dresses with their fans covered in flowers and my nieces and nephews looking so cute. I would not have traded all those things going wrong for anything in the world. So Happy Anniversary, Kevin I love you!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
What does pneumonia look like?
But anyway, she is sick, my house is dirty, she is whiny, I need to do laundry, she is sleeping between Kevin and I in the bed, in short this week has been hell.
And they have my picture up (you know the kind with Most Wanted, please alert security, should this woman show up – yeah you know it) at the X-ray place. They pissed me off royally on Tuesday when I was trying to have her chest x-rays done. Needless to say we will never be going back there. Even had the service not been awful, my welcome is not guaranteed after my behavior. But they should have performed the test that we needed and sent us on our way not keep us for nearly 2 hours then refuse to give me her x-rays because their Dr had not looked at them. As if I care what he thinks. I care what her pediatrician thinks not some radiologist.
So in short this has been my week, Tylenol, Motrin, antibiotics, cough syrup and COFFEE by the gallon.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Having a Makeover....
SO…. The reason behind this post is the examination of my life and who I am as a person. I have been talking to my best friend Jan and told her that I am trying to be a better person. In searching this topic out I found this article and I really really really LIKE it!
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/601341/how_to_become_a_better_person.html please click here to read the whole article, I pulled this part out to talk about it.
Good character includes, integrity, courage, virtue, kindness, honesty, loyalty, patience. "Character is doing what's right even when no one is looking" – unknown
To improve my character, I want to mend rifts of old friendships and want to reconnect with my family that I have lost track of.
I have recently been told that I am hard and unforgiving but I am going to try to look at things in a whole new perspective and travel the road to a better person.
emotional well-being
Emotional well-being has a lot to do with how you cope in daily life, how you view yourself and the world around you, how you react to situations.
To improve my emotional well being I am going to stand back and not react until I know the entire story and then I am going to treat it rationally and calmly…. Or at least try
Your mentality, your thoughts and mindset can have either a positive or negative effect on your overall well-being and how you see everything around you.
To improve my mentality I am going to have a positive outlook on life and think good thoughts!
physical well-being
Physical well-being is very important. If you don't feel well physically, it's difficult to function in all other areas.
To improve my physical well being well that one is little harder, but I am going to TRY to at least eat better. I exercise, but not enough and I need to incorporate it in my life better.
A dulled spirit can mean a dulled life. Everyone needs to connect to something higher than themselves, discovering a deeper sense of who they are and where they belong.
To improve my spirituality, I am not sure. I have no problem with my beliefs. I know that there is a GOD and I know that he is looking out for me. I also know that the choices I make affect the path that he has put in front of me.
So those are the things that I am going to work on… now I am not saying that I am going to accomplish them all… BUT I am going to try! Besides who doesn't loveto have a makeover, especially if it comes with cute shoes!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
50 years? What does it really mean?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My Funny Valentine

Kevin and I are not big on lots of gifts for the “Hallmark Holiday!” Our deal is not to spend more than $20. Well I am cool I just have to say… the Fossil outlet was having a huge sale and I had a coupon so he got a normally $75 watch, I got it for less than $20. Go me, go me!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Geographically challenged

Then I am challenged with knowing where other places in the world are. Yeah not so good at this either. I once had Portugal and Peru confused. My point was that they both started with a “P”; never mind that they are on different continents. Yada, yada, yada…
Anyway that brings me to my Diva. I had no idea that this was a hereditary thing that I passed to her. As you know, she and I have been reading Harry Potter. Her question was why she can’t visit the places in Harry Potter. I told her we might could one day, but they are in England. She wrinkled her brow and asked “Is that up in Alabama somewhere?” I shook my head, kissed her on the forehead and said “no honey it’s another country and continent as well.”
She looked at me and said “how should I know these things I am six and you have not taught them to me yet.”
That’s when I realized I handed the geographically challenged gene down to her. Oh well what can I do??? I will make sure she actually pays attention in 9th grade Geography!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Harry Potter ...my hero

Ok I am going to admit that I like Harry as well. I am enjoying discovering his world with her. She is amazed at every bit of it and really like that she is getting involved with reading. So If Harry and Dobby give her a life long love of reading well then Harry can be my hero as WELL.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A beauty Queen??

So, do you see this dress? Ok on Friday of last week, my Diva comes home with a letter advertising that there will be a little miss pageant. Ok let me preface this with we have done 2 pageants in the past. The 1st one was when she was 22 months old. Let me explain this to you, well she did pretty good if you count the fact that she came in 1st runner up and it was her 1st pageant. But then I am reminded about the talent portion of the competition. She sat down and said "I need to roll, Mommy." So in front of God and everyone she proceeds to roll from side of the stage to the either. Sure you are thinking that is not to bad, right? Well you are right it would have not been a big deal HAD thier been a TALENT PORTION, but indeed there was not. So here she is rolling all over the stage. YES I am embarresed. We just decided she was to young, to do it again at that time.
When she was three, I let myself be talked into it again. Well she was older and I thought for sure she would be able to handle it. YEP, I was wrong. Completely utterly undeniably WRONG! She did not want to go out there she did not want to have her hair done and she did not want to change her clothes. Yet again she comes in 1st runner up and wins the most photogenic and favorite. True this time she does not roll on the ground, BUT she does insist she will not go on stage without lovie.
Which leads me to the point I am trying to make, I am not doing this again!!! Twice is enough for anyone. So, there I was debating if I want to do this again. I talked it over with her and she was still wanting to do it. So we pull up a dress on the internet for us to start getting an idea of what she wants. She takes one look at that pink dress and says "never mind the dress looks itchy." I stand there with my mouth open and she then says "lets go get my hair cut."
So after all that she doesn't want to and I hate to admit this but I am almost disappointed.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Happy birthday to my DIVA!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Into the new year
My Diva started kindergarten, what a shock for me. Damn that meant I had a kid that was going to elementary school. What the hell I am young, not old enough for that. Then there is the whole "oh my GOD, I am turning 30" revelation. Yeah less than impressed with that. Had a great 30th b-day party, though. GREAT, even for being 30. Have to do a shout out to Stacey and Robert... WOOT... thanks for the jello shooters and the lemon drop, made my 30th b-day MUCH more bearable! On to Kevin, thank God he puts up with me and my craziness. He needs way more than a shout out, so if you see him give him a high five! God knows he needs one, for living with and that Diva. No one ever wonders why he drinks after they meet the two of us... hmmm, I will have to give that some thought.
Ok on to some personal things for me and not my family...
I flew to Dallas to meet up with my girlfriends, got my luggage lost, Ate some fabulous McDonald's food at 2am. Met my fabulous and dear friend Farrah Rochon! Shout out to Farrah, (BUY HER NEW BOOK RELEASE ME in JUNE 2008 -- I know shameless plug for my friend- but hey its my blog!) I loved my trip to Dallas... Laying on the piano in the bar (hey I always wanted to- it was there I had drank one, two or ten martinis), Running a bunch of red lights, sorry about that girls, I really did not see them. Homeless people with luggage was new to me as well. Ending the trip with a visit to Texas Stadium(small pause her for reverence.....................). I have to say it was one fabulous trip!
Now as for the news:
Some people might point out that all the little "it" girls went crazy... Britney's shaved head (girl, no matter how much weight you lose and how cute your clothes are BALD is BAD!), Paris's (although as of yet I am still not sure what she has to contribute to humanity) stay in the slammer, Lindsey's drug charges (stick with red honey, you are not a blond) and the list goes on and on. Sadly...
Then there are other things like Colts win the Superbowl!! (Go COLTS!!!! Love me some Peyton Manning!) Then there is Barry Bonds; did he, didn't he use steroids. I have to say who cares (by the way I think baseball is nearly as boring as golf... sorry to offend all yall b-ball fans). Then there is Don Imus and the whole "nappy headed ho incident". Hmmm.... seeing as how I know some nappy headed ho's and have occasionally been nappy headed myself, (though not a ho to my knowledge, regardless of what Jan says!! OH and BTW I had no clue as to who he was... thats how important he was in my world...but I digress)I do not think that was nice of him. BUT it is a free country, so he is welcome to his opinion. But then I am also welcome to mine in thinking he is an IDIOT!
So 2007 was interesting... what does 2008 hold? I guess we will have to wait and see.